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Import Failed! The Uploaded File Is Not a Valid Import Data File.

Thread Starter MeTP


WordPress Version: 5.1.1
PHP Version: seven.3.4
PHP Retention Limit: 256M
MySQL Version: 5.6.36-82.1-log

Hi @metp ,

Thanks for sharing an issue. I volition look into it and get back to you. Every bit far as i see your JSON code, there is only single difference of apostrophe i.e. (") & (").

Akshay Menariya

Hi @metp ,

Can yous please replace existing JSON file code with the below code, so import the file and let me know will yous able to upload the Menus or non. I replace three double quotes (", ", ″) with this quote(") in your given JSON code and information technology uploaded successfully for me. It would be dandy if you tin permit me know how y'all consign the menus because when i am exporting the menus file it doesn't including the in a higher place iii special apostrophes (", ", ″) in my generated file merely it's including in your file.

  • This answer was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by Andrew Nevins. Reason: Removed big code snippet

Andrew Nevins


WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer back up

You guys demand to use a code sharing service instead of posting large snippets directly on the forums. Use PasteBin for example.

Howdy @anevins ,

Sure, i will use same in futurity.

Thank you,

Hi Akshay,
First of all thank you for providing united states of america this plug-in.
I myself am experiencing an fault later updating the plugin to v1.4.0.

Menus are successfully exported but cannot be imported.
Error Message "Uploaded file is either Empty or not a valid JSON file".

Re-create of the file is in pastebin https://pastebin.com/BRCCxGsz

Thanks once more,

Hi @gerrysilva ,

Cheers for your back up. could you please check the extension of file is .json. As I have converted your given file into the JSON file and and then imported into my local WP system and it has imported successfully. It created full 9 Menu items out of which eight are pages and 1 is custom link (Modify countersign). Delight check with the screenshot – https://prnt.sc/oz10gg (FYI..In the screenshot your page Id's are replaced with my local Page Id's that'southward why they are showing different page title).

Screenshot URL – https://prnt.sc/oz10gg

Do allow us know if still you're facing any issue.

Akshay Menariya

How-do-you-do Akshay,
Cheers for this plugin, information technology may assist me a lot.
I have the same trouble, I can consign but can't import menus, hither you can find the copy of the file: https://pastebin.com/GAvgrWqq

I also become the same "Uploaded file is either Empty or not a valid JSON file." when trying to import. I've run the content on the JSON file through different JSON validators and they say the JSON is right and valid. When I endeavor to import, I tin can meet for split second a green text that appears to indicate success, so it changes to the cherry-red error text. Help is appreciated.

Hi @peteringersoll,

Thanks for reporting an result, Could you delight provide me an exported JSON file that yous're trying to import, so that i tin reproduce this effect. Also, please share other details that you wish to share that might exist helpful to reproduce this issue like anything unique in your WP setup or whatsoever other info.

Akshay Menariya

Hello @peteringersoll , @gerrysilva , @frederickcavender , @anevins

Guys i tried to reproduce this issue but it couldn't. Tin you lot delight update the plugin to the latest version and allow me know if you're all the same facing aforementioned result, delight share the more details like organization config, OS, WP verison, other active plugins etc with me and so that i can reproduce the issue.

Akshay Menariya


Source: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/error-uploaded-file-is-either-empty-or-not-a-valid-json-file/

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